Click "Get More Apps" and you should see the page to login with facebook OR BlueStacks Channels account. You should be able to sign up for new user account now and associate that with BlueStacks.
To sync apps on an android phone to the BlueStacks app player on a PC, download BlueStacks Cloud Connect download
If "Get More Apps" doesn't work, try to install apps (apk setup files) from local harddrive (PC) into BlueStacks. Follow this:
1) go to c:\program files\bluestacks\
2) right click on HD-ApkHandler.exe and create shortcut;
3) then place the shortcut on the desktop or into the "SendTo" folder (C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo\);
4) drag a local apk file to that desktop shortcut or into the SendTo folder;
5) that apk will install into the bluestacks appPlayer right away;
6) that app is now available in the appPlayer.
it works for me though it might not work for some apps apks.
(please rename apk file names to English for better compatibility.)
a mahjong android game now runs on my PC ... here we are ...
android hangman on my PC ...
12 小時前