12 小時前
2012年8月28日 星期二
dvbviewer vs. windows media centre recording streaming digital TV programmes
dvbviewer official page
兩者都能全方位錄播數碼電視,用家在播放錄影節目時能隨意選擇節目語言和字幕,但 windows media centre 只能錄成自家 wtv 格式,而且必須用 windows media centre 或 windows movie maker 才能播放,同時很難找到工具轉換 wtv 到其它格式,如用 windows movie maker 將其轉換成 wmv,字幕便會消失。dvbviewer 就較大路,可錄做 ts 格式,方便轉換格式,並保留字幕。
dvbviewer 價錢只賣 HK$百多元,認真抵用,有畫中畫功能、timeshift、one tuner 兩台同時錄影等。dvbviewer 同時是個多媒體播放器,播放一般 ts 錄影檔當然沒問題,並附簡單剪片軟件 tsplayer。
如需轉換 dvbviewer ts 錄影檔到其它格式,並保留字幕,可用 xmedia recode 或 freemake video converter。關於 xmedia recode 字幕走位問題,可參考這篇。
dvbviewer 教學請參考下面這兩篇。
關於將 wtv 字幕硬壓到其它影片格式,可用下列方法:
you need the help of videoredo tv suite h264
you also need another tool: freemake video converter
freemake is capable of hardcoding subtitle stream but it can't seem able to read native wtv correctly.
the workaround is to convert wtv to "ts" file with videoredo.
then open that ts file in freemake and you will find all audio and subtitle streams are kept intact.
now you can proceed to convert that ts file to video of other formats with freemake and the subtitle stream you chose will be hardcoded into. (soft subtitles to hard subtitles)
(you might check out the freeware MC-TV Converter to see if its ts output contains subtitle streams or not.)
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