iPad發佈會上, Steve Jobs又踐踏人家:「 Netbook根本乏善可陳,它慢,顯示差,用 PC軟件。它只是廉價筆記本電腦。」寸得毫無保留,其實已不是第一次。
85年, Steve Jobs於權力鬥爭中,被迫離開蘋果,策劃這場風波的人,正是 Jobs從百事請來的 John Sculley,為請他出山,還留下經典的說詞:「你是想賣一輩子糖水,還是改變整個世界?」
Sculley上任 CEO,不久將 Jobs趕出蘋果。 Sculley在位時,力推 Newton掌上電腦平台,其大屏幕、內建記憶體、圖像主導的系統,本意發展出跟 PC價格看齊的平板電腦,從中彷彿看見現在 iPad的影子。
90 年,蘋果的收入停滯不前,高邊際利潤的策略開始失效,怕影響 Macintosh, Sculley終向數字低頭。 92年,蘋果把 Newton重新定位成電子手帳( PDA)平台,而不是獨當一面的電腦。不管 Sculley演講如何出神入化,在美國政商兩界如何叱咤風雲,他 evangelize的宏大理想丁點沒法實現。
97年, Jobs重掌大權,即時把「全資子公司」 Newton殺掉。他眼裏, Newton像今天的 Netbook;總之,他就是容不下沒有理念或背棄原則的產品。
喬布斯很寸?問題是他寸得起。固然他的名譽將與 iPad未來的成績緊纏一起。
令蘋果起死回生 成永久行政總裁
現年55歲的喬布斯,1972年入讀俄勒岡州的Reed College,他當時有感「我不知道我的人生方向,也不知道讀大學如何可以幫助我找到方向」,加上學費太貴,毅然退學。退學不等於無所事事,喬布斯改為旁聽感興趣的科目,包括西洋書法課﹕「如果我沒有旁聽這門課,麥金塔電腦(Macintosh,蘋果個人電腦的雛形)不會有這麼多種的字體和間隔合乎比例的字型。」
1976年,21歲的喬布斯和沃茲尼亞克(Steve Wozniak)得到富翁A. C. Mike Markkula贊助,創立了蘋果。一年後,喬布斯領導蘋果生產出公司第一款個人電腦,直至30歲,喬布斯與拍檔意見不合被解僱。離開蘋果後他加入電影業,發展後來製作《海底奇兵》的動畫公司「彼思」。
1997年4月,41歲的喬布斯重登蘋果行政總裁的寶座,那年蘋果衰頹得幾乎破產。喬布斯重掌蘋果帥印後,靠微軟 投資1.5億美元 整頓公司。同年蘋果推出Power Mac 6500,是當時蘋果最暢銷的電腦之一。1998年推出的iMac雖然售價不菲,但靠著新潮外形與強大功能而打入市場,蘋果得以起死回生,此後,喬布斯開始斥巨資投資開發數碼新產品。2000年1月4日,喬布斯成為蘋果公司永久行政總裁。
看 Bill Gates 怎評論他的對手:
Microsoft founder has fond words for his rival.
November 14th, 2009
When asked about Steve Jobs in a TV special that aired this week, Bill Gates said the Apple co-founder has shown “more inspiration” than any other leader in the tech industry.
The program “Warren Buffett and Bill Gates: Keeping America Great” aired Thursday night on CNBC. The “Town Hall Event” featured questions from the audience directed towards two of the world’s richest men.
One audience member asked Gates, to laughter from the audience, what his thoughts were on Jobs and the work he has done as CEO of Apple. The Microsoft founder had fond words for his rival.
“Well, he’s done a fantastic job,” Gates said. “Apple is in a bit of a different business where they make hardware and software together. But when Steve was coming back to Apple, which was actually through an acquisition of NeXT that he ran, Apple was in very tough shape. In fact, most likely it wasn’t going to survive.”
He continued: “And he brought in a team, he brought in inspiration about great products and design that’s made Apple back into being an incredible force in doing good things. And it’s great to have competitors like that. We write software for Apple, Microsoft does. They compete with Apple. But he, of all the leaders in the industry that I’ve worked with, he showed more inspiration and he saved the company.”
Microsoft 已是一個成熟的巨人。
12 小時前